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Membership Information


The Association of Environmental Professionals is proud to offer a full range of services and benefits. These benefits are geared toward environmental professionals who seek to improve their skills as environmental and resource managers. AEP is dedicated to the continued improvement of the environmental profession and its members.



California AEP is affiliated with the National Association of Environmental Professionals and serves as the California Chapter for NAEP. California AEP members are not obligated to join NAEP, but may do so to receive the additional benefits of NAEP. California AEP's affiliation with NAEP provides additional benefits to members of both organizations by fostering networking and educational opportunities between the two organizations. For additional information about NAEP and a membership application, please visit


AEP's Web site at is a great resource for members providing information about upcoming events, pending legislation and membership information, CEQA and employment opportunities.


The quarterly statewide magazine with information on top leaders in the profession, articles of interest, job opportunities and summaries of the state and local chapter activities. The magazine is recognized throughout the environmental planning profession as an important source of information.


The Environmental Assessor includes information describing the latest environmental legislation working through the State Senate and Assembly, the status of such legislation, and the position of AEP on such legislation. It also provides an update of AEPs State Legislative Committee and its interaction with and recommendations to the State Legislature.


Events, services and activities sponsored by your local chapters. Local chapters are governed by the local members with guidance and assistance, as needed, from the State Board. The local chapters offer a wide range of services and activities, typically consisting of a regular newsletter, membership meetings featuring top environmental professionals discussing current environmental topics, and a chance to network with local environmental professionals from diverse backgrounds and environmental fields. Some chapters engage in educational activities based upon topical environmental issues and trends. The Central Chapter also offers discounts to Chapter events for members.


Each year AEP members receive a complimentary copy of the CEQA Handbook which contains the latest versions of the CEQA statute, guidelines, and appendices from OPR. Additional hard or CD copies are available at a low price.


Your opportunity to hear leading speakers in the environmental field, brush up on your skills, network with people from around the state, and discuss major environmental issues with experts in the field.


Yearly updates of existing and recently adopted CEQA laws and current court actions. AEP members receive a discount when attending the annual CEQA workshops at locations throughout the state. The format of the workshops has proven successful, providing both basic and advanced information.


AEPs voice in the Capitol. AEP has an active Legislative Committee which closely tracks and responds to proposed CEQA legislation in order to influence the pending legislation in a positive and meaningful manner. Current summaries and analysis of the bills are published regularly in the Environmental Assessor and on AEPs website.


Ensuring representation no matter where you live. Regional Directors and State sponsored events provide service to all areas within California.


An excellent opportunity to be professionally recognized for outstanding achievements and document preparation. AEP offers an awards program, the results of which are presented at the State Conference.


Special credit for members attending AEP workshops and other events. CEQA Workshop participants are able to count attendance toward continuing education credit requirements under AICP and MCLE.


The AEP Board appoints special committees to address issues of concern to its membership. Committees include Legislative, Permanent Conference, Financial Policies, Emerging Issues, Local CEQA Thresholds, Workshops, Publications, Climate Change, Awards/Professional Recognition, Membership, Student Outreach, and Website.


U.C. Extension Discount - Save 33% on registrations to approximately 45 one-day environmental courses offered through the U.C. Extension Program (refer to UCD Extension course catalog for more details).

Professional Practice Insurance Brokers, Inc. Discount - AEP members receive a discount on general, professional and pollution liability... and more. See Professional Insurance.


Corporate Membership - $250

Corporate Members are provided one Full Membership which can float within the company, special recognition at the annual State Conference, a 10% discount on advertising, and a listing in AEPs website and statewide magazine Environmental Monitor. Each Chapter may provide additional recognition for Corporate Members. The floating membership entitles one individual from the company to attend local chapter activities in the chapter where the membership is registered, regional workshops and the State Conference at the discounted member rate. NOTE: The company takes responsibility to notify the appropriate AEP officer regarding which employee will attend a given AEP activity on behalf of the company.

Agency Membership - $250

Agency Members are provided two Full Membership which can float within the agency, a 10% discount on advertising, 2 CEQA books, and 2 copies of any other statewide AEP product. The floating membership entitles two individuals from the agency to attend local chapter activities in the chapter where the membership is registered, regional workshops and the State Conference at the discounted member rate.  NOTE: The agency takes responsibility to notify the appropriate AEP officer regarding which employee will attend a given AEP activity on behalf of the agency.

Full Membership $150

Includes all of the many services, benefits and discounts of membership. Depending on your location, you will become a member of the local chapter nearest you and receive the newsletter for that Chapter, which will list AEP activities in your area. The AEP State Board also provides outlying area support, through the Directors at Large, to keep members in touch with items of interest and to facilitate establishment of new Chapters.

Young Professionals - $70

A bridge rate for student members who graduated in 2010 or 2011 and are starting their careers in the environmental profession. Former student members can enjoy two consecutive years at the reduced Young Professional rate.

Emeritus Membership - $70

An Emeritus annual membership recognizes that even after retirement, environmental professionals would like to stay in the loop. If you have been a full member in the past five years, but no longer practice, you may be eligible for this discount.

Student Membership - $35

Includes all of the individual membership services and eligibility for the annual AEP Student Awards Program. Student members must be currently enrolled in 12 units or more at an accredited school. The State Conference Committee typically offers students reduced registration rates to the State Conference. In addition, AEP is an excellent resource for internship opportunities and networking with environmental professionals while seeking employment opportunities.

For more information on AEP membership go to the California AEP website at

To join fill out the membership application.